CGD National Honor Society

The National Honor Society is one of the oldest, largest, and most widely recognized co-curricular student organizations in American high schools. More than 1.4 million students are members of the NHS.  Inorder to qualify for membership of the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Chapter of National Honor Society, members must first have a qualifying cumulative grade point average.  This is the first pillar of the National Society Organization. Students going into their sophomore year must have a minimum of a 3.75 cumulative GPA.  Students going into their junior or senior year must have a minimum of a 3.50 cumulative GPA.  In late summer/early fall any student who meets the minimum cumulative GPA requirements will receive a letter notifying them of their eligibility to apply for NHS membership.

The membership application process for National Honor Society includes completing a written application that documents the additional three pillars necessary to be considered for membership. These chapter pillars are leadership, service and character.  When completing the application, applicants will be asked to document their own examples, experiences and goals for each of the three chapter pillars:

  1. Applicants will want to show that they are or are working to be a leader and practice leadership skills in places like their school, club, team, neighborhood, church, community, state or country.

  2. Applicants will want to show that they have, are working to or currently providing service for their school, club, team, family, neighborhood, church, community, state or country.  If one does not seek to receive compensation for a volunteer activity it is considered to be service.

  3. Applicants will want to document examples of and show that they are a person of good character.  The Six Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. Upon completion of the NHS application a group of individuals known as the Faculty Council and appointed by the secondary principal of the school district review the applications.  The Faculty Council votes on applicant membership. They then provide the NHS advisor a list of names of applicants that are invited to become members of the CGDHS Chapter of National Honor Society.  An induction ceremony will take place for current and new inductees and their families to attend.  Throughout the school year NHS members will participate in one-two chapter service activities.  Membership is regarded as an honor and not a cause to require more work.

All practices, processes and procedures of the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows High School Chapter of National Honor Society are governed by the NHS National Constitution and chapter by-laws.   The chapter advisor’s role is to organize and oversee the application process and induction ceremony.  In addition to providing support and recognition of members. If you have questions regarding our chapter please contact chapter advisor, Mrs. Leist at